Student Conduct

Hygiene Elementary Student Handbook

Hygiene Elementary prides itself on promoting a welcoming, positive place of learning where staff and students feel safe, accepted, and appreciated in an environment that provides enthusiasm for lifelong learners.

St. Vrain Valley Schools Behavioral Code

Each year the District publishes a manual for students entitled, “Behavioral code of conduct and Board of Education Policies, Rights and Responsibilities of Students and Parents”.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support/SOAR

Creating a Positive Learning Environment at our School

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an approach to teaching and supporting positive behaviors and meeting the needs of ALL students. This school-wide approach to behavior focuses on building a safe and positive environment in which all students can learn.

The foundation of PBIS at Hygiene Elementary is the four building-wide expectations: Safety, Ownership, Achievement, Respect In addition to our behavior expectations, PBIS has four other components:

  1. A behavior matrix that explains behavior expectations in each school setting
  2. Direct teaching of the expectations
  3. Soaring slips
  4. Problem Solving Report (Stop Think Act Review) to record and ad- dress inappropriate behaviors

Behavior Matrix The behavior matrix is a detailed description of expected behavior in each setting of the school. For example, in the cafeteria, it is respectful to say “please” and “thank you.” It is responsible to clean your space. The matrix is posted in every classroom including cafeteria and main hallways. SOARING
SLIPS Acknowledging and reinforcing positive behavior is one of the best ways to change inappropriate behavior and encourage appropriate behavior. A SOAR slip is an incentive for students to follow the school rules. Staff members will give out SOAR slips when students are meeting or exceeding behavior expectations as frequently as possible. Each classroom teacher will collect slips. When classroom goals are met, students will enjoy a class reward as well as participating in periodic school-wide celebrations.

Teaching Expectations

Throughout the school year, students will be taught how to behave according to the four expectations. Teachers will help students learn what the expectations “look” and “sound” like in every setting during the school day. These lessons will be re- taught and reinforced throughout the school year by teacher and the counselor through classroom visitations.

The Hygiene staff will all be responsible for redirecting students in a variety of school settings that include specials, cafeteria and playground. Therefore, the playground supervisor may enforce timeout, removal from the play- ground, or referral to office for violence, vulgar language or disrespect of authority.

Problem Solving Reports

Even with clear expectations and positive reinforcements, sometimes our students need redirection. In order to support our students in becoming responsible citizens, they will be expected to participate in solving their own problems, with adult guidance, as part of the discipline process. When a student does not exhibit behaviors that demonstrate the expected SOAR Behavior Matrix, a Stop Think Act Review (Problem Solving Report) will be given and appropriate consequences will be assigned. The type of consequences and time frame depends on the nature, seriousness and/or frequency of the problem. Restorative consequence based on “repairing the harm” will be implemented. It is important to know that certain behaviors will not be tolerated for the safety and wellbeing of our learning community.

The staff has developed minor/major definitions of behavior for clarity and consistency. Refer to the Stop Think Act Review form for behavior definitions for minor/ major infractions. Minor infractions are behaviors that are disruptive to the learning environment but can be handled by the staff and teacher. Major infractions are behaviors involve fighting, safety of others, total defiance, or a major group issue where facts need to be gathered. A phone call from the principal will occur with all major infractions.

In order to promote school/home communication, students will be required to take home the Stop Think Act Review Form as part of the discipline process. Please be aware that certain student actions require notification of law enforcement, out of school suspension, or referral for expulsion.

Please refer to Board Policy JICD for more information regarding the St. Vrain Valley School District’s Code of Conduct. Because, together we can achieve more, we believe in the true partnership between home and school. To help support the PBiS at Hygiene Elementary, please help us with the following:

Reviewing behavior expectations with your child Signing and returning the behavior matrix slip sent home with your child Using the four expectations at home Providing positive reinforcement (rewarding good choices with compliments or quality time) at home

The Hygiene Staff will consider the following when working with students to decide consequences/responses:

  • Board policy
  • Posted classroom rules
  • Input from the classroom teacher(s)
  • Age and behavior of the student
  • Circumstances and history of the student/incident

Some possible consequences/staff responses might be:

  • Teacher and/or student and/or parent contact
  • Break Time—which means that an individual is out of control and needs to take time to be calm and ready to comply with the role of being a student. Recovery may take place in the classroom, office or could even include time at home and the student may return when he/she is under control
  • Referral to the school guidance counselor to help the student develop a plan to correct the problem
  • Conference held with parent and student to develop a plan to correct the behavior Loss of privileges/activities for extended time
  • School service time
  • Out-of-school suspension (administration only)
  • Referral to other sources of assistance including the law
  • Recommend expulsion to the School Board (administration only)

Behavior Mediation is an ongoing process, not just what happens to a child when he/she gets into trouble. The staff encourages all students to have Soaring Behavior that includes the following:

  1. Safety of self, others, staff members, and the property of others
  2. Ownership for their own actions and behavior
  3. Achievement
  4. Respect for self and others

We adhere to the St. Vrain Valley School District Discipline Code. A copy of this conduct policy is available at the front office and online. If you do not have a copy and would like one, please contact the front office.


Hygiene Elementary School