February Letter from the Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians:
I hope everyone is off to a great 2018 year.  We definitely are as a school.  I couldn’t be more proud of our students. We came in third  place winners of the MyOn Winter Reading Challenge!  Our students are extremely dedicated as we continue to purchase various technologies for our students with the winning money. 
The STEAM FAIR Open House last week was outstanding!  Our students are absolutely thrilled this year to have the opportunity to use the Design Process and the Scientific Process all in one.    I want to thank Sara Morison and all the numerous parent volunteers and judges for their time and dedication. 
We have several exciting events to highlight for the month of February.  The month is filled with preparing the entire student body and community for taking flight into the future.  Our Hawk Air event is March 20th and 21st.  This school wide event can only be done with the support of all our families.  We are always looking for volunteers in various forms so that this spectacular event is successful.  If you are interested, please contact Sherry Legrand at [email protected] or your child’s teacher. 
Parents, we need everyone’s help in promoting attendance.   Our school attendance goal for the school year is 97%. Every day matters and therefore, we are asking for your help in reaching our goal.  We will recognize those students who had perfect attendance for the month of January during late start, February 7th.  They will receive a charm necklace or another charm for the necklace they might have received if they had perfect attendance in December. 

As the flu season continues, so is the health and safety of all of our students. Please be sure students are coming to school dressed appropriately for Colorado weather.  Students need to come with hats, gloves and boots when there is snow on the ground or potential weather system coming in.  Parents, as a reminder, if  your child is sick or running a temperature at all, please keep them home so that they can get healthy.
The Robotics Team continues to represent our school in positive ways.  Please join me in thanking Mrs. Shykula and Mrs. Vigil for their leadership.  Our final competition is February 10 at Erie Middle School at 8:00 am.  Please come and cheer on our awesome Robotics Team.

Mark your calendars for our annual Arts Night.  On February 27th, students in grades 3-5 will highlight their talents in music and art.    The students will be highlighting their space work and performing music that captures our journey into the future on March 20th and March 21st.
On behalf of the entire Hygiene staff, I want to thank everyone for the support.  We are so grateful for your dedication, commitment, and generosity you provide to the students and staff at Hygiene.  Together, we are stronger and as a result, the Hygiene students continue to SOAR!
Renee Collier
Hygiene Principal

Hygiene Elementary School