We hope everyone enjoys the 4 day weekend! As a reminder, there is no school on Friday, February 14 and Monday, February 17th!
What’s Inside Hygiene Hawk Newsletter this Week!
Student of the Month Celebration
Arts Night coming up
January Student of the Month Students Celebrate together!

Arts night is next week! Please make sure to drop students off in their classroom 15 minutes before their performance time, and pick them up back at their classrooms after their performance.
Walk the halls to see student art work!
**If students are in Choir, please make sure to stay with them until they are dropped off in the music room at 6:50 to keep everyone safe and our school clean!
Arts Night Schedule
5:00-5:30– 3rd Grade
5:30-6:15– 4th Grade
6:15-7:00– 5th Grade
7:00-7:30– Choir

Upcoming Events
February – 14 No School
February – 17 No School Presidents Day
February – 20 Arts Nights Grades 3-5
February 22 – Lunar New Year Celebration at Silvercreek
February 24 Class Pictures/Spring Pictures
February 26 Hawk Air Build Night
March 5 – Late Start
March 5 – Trimester 2 Grades Available
March 5 Hawk Air Planning Meeting
March 10-14 Teacher Appreciation Week
March 17-21 Spring Break