Summer Break MyOn Challenge!!

Summer is finally here! It’s time for some fun in the sun, games at the pool, and the next MyON Challenge! This years Summer Break Challenge will start on Wednesday, May 24th and run through Wednesday, August 16th. We have managed to stay in the top three schools, but we will need everyone’s help if we are going to win that $2,500. There are so many great books on MyOn to choose from. From great stories to how-to books, kids are sure to find something they like.
And, did we mention the prizes? If our school has the most minutes per student, we will win $2,500! And we will celebrate by having an All School Picnic with a Dance Party and special surprise treat!!! Our top 2 readers from will get to go to lunch with Officer Ken in the Police Car! Our top 20 students will get a free poster from the Book Fair. And, every student who reads 1,000 minutes (that’s an average of 30 minutes a day) will get SOCKS!!! We Love Socks!
Students can access MyOn on their iPads through ClassLink. We have practiced this at school several times, so they should be able to do it from home. If you need help with MyOn, please email Ms Johnston at [email protected]. If you need help with their username and password for Classlink, please contact your student’s teacher.
Happy Reading Everyone!!!
Having Tech Issues with MyOn or ClassLink? Here are some solutions to the most common problems.