This Week’s Tuesday Newsletter 8-16-16



August 16, 2016

We had a wonderful first day back!  Thank you to everyone.

Summer Soaring:

Calling all students who participated in Summer Learning Extension!  This includes MyOn, Summer School and all other extended learning activities.  We will celebrate your hard work on August 26th at 2:00 pm.

Hug N Go:

For all our new families and to remind our returning families, please observe the Hug N Go and Parking Rules.  These are located on our website as well as on page 17 of the Student/Parent Handbook.  Let’s keep our students safe!

Health Rules:

As we start back to school and approach the colder weather just around the corner, please remember to adhere to the guidelines for keeping you student home.  The guidelines can be found on page 10 of the Student/Parent Handbook as well as on our website.

Water Bottles:

As a reminder, please be sure to send your students with a water bottle everyday.  Especially during our remaining hot weather.

Gifted & Talented:  From Linda Hockman, Hygiene GT/Challenge teacher

GT Identification: Search for Students


Each year schools in St. Vrain Valley School District complete a process to identify students in grades K-12 who demonstrate exceptional ability or performance in one or more academic areas and may therefore qualify for Gifted/Talented educational services. 
These students perform at least two years above grade level in their
strength area(s) and require additional academic challenges in order to support
their continued educational growth and progress.  In addition, they usually demonstrate characteristics of unique creativity and high motivation in their strength areas.

The search for gifted/talented students begins with an opportunity for parents and/or teachers to refer students for review.  Once referrals are received, a team of educators review student state testing data, standardized test scores, rating scales and other school data to determine student eligibility.

If you believe that your child qualifies and would benefit from district Gifted/Talented services, please pick up a nomination form from the Hygiene school office and return it to the office or your child’s teacher BY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31.

If your third-grade child started testing with me last spring, you do not need to submit a nomination form again.

If you have questions or concerns. email [email protected].


Forms to Return:

Reminder, please return the signature page stating you have received the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct as well as the last page of the Code of Conduct Book and the last page of the Student Handbook, which is the technology agreement for students.

Hygiene Elementary School