Parent & Community Involvement

Parent, guardian, and family engagement is important in supporting the success of Hygiene Elementary students. Accordingly, there are many ways for our families to get involved.

Parent Volunteers

If you are interested in volunteering in your student’s classroom or at the school, please contact your student’s teacher or our front office at 720-652-8021.

School Accountability Committee

Our School Accountability Committee reviews school data, goals, and provides feedback on the School Unified Improvement Plan.

Current Members

  • Renee Collier
  • Karen Frantz

Parent Teacher Organization

The Hygiene PTO sponsors fun and educational activities throughout the school year, and provides each teacher with a classroom supply budget that directly impacts each student. Additionally, the PTO provides technology for our students, such as iPads and Chromebooks, and covers the cost of transportation for field trips.

Our PTO Board will be announced soon!













Renee Collier, Principal


Teacher #1:  Sydney Kennedy


Teacher #2:  Katy Peterson



  • Summer Soaring – The PTO creates a study plan to encourage and reward students that continue to work on reading, writing, and math skills during the summer break. The students that complete the plan are then rewarded with a party and recognition in the fall.
  • Back to School Night gives parents an opportunity to meet their student’s teacher and see their classroom. PTO provides popsicles. Patents all have the change to sign up for volunteering during the school year.
  • Fall Festival is a back to school party; complete with food and games. Dinner can be pre-ordered and games and prizes are provided by the PTO.
  • Pumpkin Contest – Students and families participate in pumpkin carving contests, such as, best carved, most school spirit and largest pumpkin. The pumpkins are displayed in the hallway during Halloween parties and parade.
  • Spelling Bee – The PTO coordinates grade level spelling bees with spellers competing for a chance in the all-school bee. The all-school bee winner is invited to the regional spelling bee.
  • STEAM Fair – Students can enter a project in the STEAM Fair using either the Design Thinking Process or the Scientific Method. Students display their projects in the hallway and then present them to a team of judges. Prizes are given for both Design Thinking and Scientific Method projects.
  • Hawk Air is a student-driven, teacher-facilitated and parent-propelled annual capstone project. K-5 students dive into real world problems using the Design Thinking Process while still embedding SVVSD Science and Social Studies standards.
  • Talent Show – The PTO hosts the annual Talent Show in April. Come one, come all to witness our amazing, talented students. This is a fun night for the whole family.

There are many ways we support Hygiene Students and Families including:

  • 100 Mile Club – PTO recruits parents to support the 100 Mile Club put on by our PE department. Volunteers help track the student’s miles and plan fun runs throughout the year.
  • Yearbook – PTO recruits parents to take pictures throughout the year of events and student activities and then work with an outside company to publish an annual yearbook.
  • Hospitality – PTO recruits volunteers to coordinate meals for teachers and staff during Parent-Teacher conferences in the fall and spring as well as Teachers Day in May.
  • Spirit Wear – PTO recruits volunteers to design, sell and distribute Hygiene sprit wear for both students and families.


PTO holds are major fundraiser each fall called Jog-A-Thon. Students raise money in the weeks prior to the Jog-A-Thon, and bring those donations on the day of the event. At the events, students run at a certain time with their grade level. Prizes are awarded to students for fundraising efforts and most laps run. Laps are also used towards 100 Mile Club. It is always a fun day for our students as they kick-off the year while raising money for their school.

Other fundraisers occur throughout the year:

  • Box Tops – Students bring in Box Tops from certain items purchased at the grocery store. They receive credit to be used at the Box Top stores on a monthly basis.
  • Milk for Moola – Students bring in caps from Longmont Dairy and the school receives 5 cents per cap.

Hygiene Elementary School